Finished up this zip wallet the other day. Great project and once again, Phil's detailed instruction was perfect. Now that I've gone through the process, I will definitely be making a couple more and improving some areas where I could have done better. I added 2.16cm to the height of each necessary pattern piece to allow for US currency.
-- Updating this post. The 2.16 cm I mentioned works but is a little snug for US currency. Instead I'd suggest 2.8 cm
Stitching the interior section to the exterior was indeed a bit "fiddly" as Phil would say. I'll spend more time getting the holes more closely aligned on the next build perhaps using a few guide needles. Regardless, I'm happy with how things turned out.

Beautiful! Thank you so much for the measurement to adjust for US Currancy! Now for sure this will be my next project when I "finish" my current list! Thank you for sharing, I will aspire to create such a beautiful work of art!
Fantastic work! You've done a fabulous job creating and modifying it successfully. I hope you get a lot of enjoyment out of it. 😊