Hello All,
My name is Frank and I got into leather working given the fact that I enjoy the time spent using my hands. I also enjoy wood working since you get to see the end product as soon as you reach the pinnacle upon completion. I have been going thru the videos and noticed that a creaser is often used to clean up the edge of the leather piece. Is this a better practice than using an edge beveler?
Hey Frank, welcome to the forum matey.
Yeah as Phil said in simple terms the bevel was designed to take the sharp edges off the corners of leather to minimise damage of any impact that might happen (very similar to wood working) and the crease is said to have been originally used to compress the fibres of the edges to minimise moisture absorption as the edges are kinda like the end grain of leather however, the crease has become more of a decorative detail these days me thinks.
Hope that helps and welcome again 😊
Hello there,
Thank you for the introduction.
For veg-tan a beveler is a good idea in addition to a decorative crease. As most creasers are rounded, soft leathers will take on a 'bevel' of sorts to the edge as well as a crease line.
Firm leathers won't conform to a rounded creaser so the corner of the edge will need to be shaved off with a beveler.