I've Designed a viking horn holder from vegan, dyed and airbrushed with fiebings Pro Black. Finished with copper rivets and leather lace with viking Runes.20240212_173203.jpgDownload JPG • 5.79MB20240212_173228.jpgDownload JPG • 2.39MB20240212_173247.jpgDownload JPG • 7.17MB20240212_173305.jpgDownload JPG • 7.91MB20240212_173342.jpgDownload JPG • 6.99MB20240212_154943.jpgDownload JPG • 8.18MB2024-02-12-174957921.mp4Download MP4 • 14.03MB
edward.ironsideNov 27Penetrating the whole way through the leather is wrong when using pricking iron for hand stitching… Is that correct? LikeReactions11 comment1Views
geraldineOct 12Hello everyone, I have just joined the community of Leathercraftmasterclass! Would anyone know of a good tannery in England?! LikeReactions03 comments3Views