How to calculate my leather goods I am always confused specially the tools I use that supposed will last for long time as hummer/ pricking irons / edge creasers/ knifes / etc how much shall I add for every single project
I wouldn't factor tools into the cost as they aren't really 'consumables' in the same way leather is. You don't know how long your tools will last.
If a bag takes an entire side of leather to make, I would recommend adding the cost of the side, even if you have some scrap left over. I would not try and find out the exact sq/ft or sq/m used in the bag.
For smaller leather goods, you will just have to guess. Try not to make it too complicated.
Aiming to price your work by the cost of leather and the hours it took you to make it isn't really the best way of pricing.
What I do materials x3 + time I was asking about tools because its really expensive to get a tool because in my country 1$ = egyptian pounds = 31.60 so it's really expensive to get a tool + shipping and customs so it's cost me alot imagine you are paying for a tool x30 average + shipping and customs that's why my mainly question was about the tools I use and most of craftesr I know in my country they buy cheap tools I always looking for quality and by the way I am a tool addict i spend most of my money on tools I wish I can stop but I can't 🤣
Is there any chance you could make some of the tools yourself? If it's that hard to get tools in Egypt, you may have a business opportunity on your hands! If you can make a few items like a skiving knife or an awl, you could cover some of your bigger tool costs. Just an idea.
I have made a few of my own basic tools, and I can't say I'm particularly skilled at it, but I do get quite a few requests to buy them.
Hi Roupen. Are you talking about calculating the cost of leather per project in order to find a number to charge your clients?