Has any body used or know of anyone who has used the Round Blade Knife No.70 from osborne & co? if so is it a good blade to use?

Or do you know an alternative round blade which is small 4.5 - 5" in width? preferably from the uk or a European supplier?
Thanks in advance.
I don't have any experience with the Osborne knife, but in the UK I know that abbey England sell a solingen round knife. I have also seen a Pfeil round knife on European websites, they are well known for woodcarving tools so the steel is probably decent.
Blanchard is also an option, although there are some mixed reviews about the steel that they use currently (Non-HSS steel, the HSS knives are excellent) Ebay will probably have some second hand options from older makers And if you're really looking for custom there are probably a number of blacksmiths or tools makers on Instagram that could help out, although almost certainly with a high price tag.
i bought something lately which is a copy of a leather wranglers knife from etsy. came very sharp, although a bit small, and i keep catching the blade on the back edge, so need a constant supply of plasters. hopefully get used to it soon. here is a link so you can see what it is. they say they are carbon steel, i guess if you ask he may explain more. https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/799682501/custom-round-knifeaxe-knife-for-leather?ref=shop_home_active_4&crt=1
i have bought a few knives off them, and they are all really nice. taken with a pattern knife they have on there, so might have to buy one, although i have too many knives, an expensive habit.
@VII XCIV The aliexpress one I use has recently had a design change, but the steel is amazing.
If you want something more manageable, a half round knife may be just the ticket, but I don't know of any good ones offhand.
I would go for an ebay from china HSS one. I know Philip uses a one and a friend purchased one a while ago and is super super happy with it
Thank you for your response, I actually have the abbey england one however i'm looking for one which is smaller and easier to use the abbey england one seems rather large to me.
But i will take a look at the others for sure!
Thanks again