Hi everyone.
My name is Paul and I thought I would make myself known rather than lurking in the background!
I have had an interest in leatherwork for a few years now but never seemed to have time to do anything about it so a few months ago I did something about it due to my hobby that I run as a small business alongside my main job.
I sell and engrave watches and I wanted to supply pocket watch pouches but the majority for sale are cheap machine made items so I decided to make some of my own.
Like most people I looked at many YouTube videos and resources on the internet but I wanted to learn something a with a little more finesse, hence I subscribe to Leather Masterclass.
My pouches are a work in progress as I build on my layers of skill and I am absolutely hooked on working with leather.
@aps59 Hello Paul! Welcome to the forum.
I must have missed your introduction here, you must forgive the late reply as I have been building a new workshop while simultaneously making video courses! :D
Do you have any pouches that we can see? That would be great!