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Mar 26, 2024
In Leather Tools
G'day, I'm givenago at doing a makers stamp. Has anyone 'gone before me' I'd love some advice on what is good or not / what makes a stamp good. Both seem to work and leave an impression.
Home Hot Foil makers stamp content media
Feb 29, 2024
In Share Your Projects
Donno what to say appart from, I'm trying to show off my work, 'warts n all'. Good 1 - It's got lining 2 - I think my stitching is getting better 3 - edge paint, applied after sanding - (no wax) 4 - I like the colors I chose Bad 1 - I forgot to add the crease 2 - the edge paint doesnt flow to the edge fully 3 - My finish up stitches cross over (dam) 4 - the lining has bubbled Overall I'm pleased with my effort. (and doubly so, because my wife has 'captured' this for a present for a birthday) Comments and feedback welcome and appreicated.
Sun Glass Case - Not a trial. content media
Feb 19, 2024
In Share Your Projects
G'day peeps, My trial for my sunglasses case. It's just $h!^^ leather, but I wanted to have a go before I move onto more expensive leather. I'm happy with how this looks (for a trial). I'm happy with how my stitching is getting along. It's lined... and the lining all kinda 'just works'. The waxed edging I recokon is great! the leather lined clip is fun to do, and looks a million bucks. I've seen some of 'youse' do really sick edging... any tips? cause mine kinda suck. It's got a waxed edge, so could I use edge paint on that... also I've got vedge tanned on the outside and chrome tanned on the inside (for the liner), I reckon that's a mistake for 'main event'. Criticism and feedback welcome and invited.
Sun Glass Case - Trial. content media
Feb 15, 2024
In Leather Tools
The past few weeks I've had an interesting time. It started with the video - "how to sharpen ya knives". and finished with... oh... that's what makes a good knife, I'll go and buy one (and it was $^!t) it wouldn't hold an edge, it would flex, it was difficult for my 'big hands' to hold... so I thought I'll go and make one... how hard can it be! Turns out there are lots more resources near me for knife making than leather working! - so I thought I might share my proud work. Knife# 1 - A lathe parting blank just plain HSS tool steel. it was like $10AUD - it chips way to easily! - so I moved on. 4 n 5 - Damascus Steel, with a tempered core. so I wanted these to be a skiving knife, but I missed the important part. The CORE is tempered! - so when I put a skiving shape it would never stay sharp for too long. they are now by day to day cutting knives. (and are nice to hold, although I wish I had made the a little longer, but they are good for me). 2 n 3 - ABE-L steel and I could get the bland pre-tempered, now this stuff is GREAT. These are 'fun' to sharpen, but once they are sharp they will cut a politicians idea. Now I have a proper stropping board, some great knives, and already when I cut from a template the results are nicer, the curves are smoother, it’s more comfortable. Oh and I had an accident along the way, I know how to sharpen a knife now! I NEVER thought a good knife could make SO much of a difference. Onward now onward to making a sunglasses case! - woohoo!
My leatherwork knives - story. content media
Jan 06, 2024
In Share Your Projects
I got a bit of veg tanned leather and did my test sample / practice again. This is the results. On the whole I'm pretty happy with my work. Afew things I learnt... don't start ya stitch run on a corner... im not sure how to hide these stitch marks yet, but I guess it's practice. Something looks a bit odd on one of the edges,I'm not sure about that. Feedback welcome and wanted. (Cheers!)
Test project #2 content media
Jan 01, 2024
In Share Your Projects
Hi. I've done some samples. It's a trial of the first few videos. I used beeswax with my fixed 2mm creasing tool. I used a few different types of thread. I only have 3mm spi french pricking irons... Overall I'm happy with my work. It's really cheep leather (on purpose it IS skill building) Would anyone like so share some pointers. A few things I see, 1 -a few stitches look askewish. 2- the edge crease doesn't look verry defined. Btw 8 ran 9ut of thread on sample 2... whatever, I wasn't going to fix it on a sample.
Samples of a test project. content media
Dec 29, 2023
In Leather Tools
Hi, I've been working through the videos. I'm up to edge paint. The recommended tool is no longer avaliable for purchase. Could someone give me some advice around what to look for? I want a quality tool that will be as pleasurable to use (as can be) I don't want to out grow it later. I'm ashamed to say ages ago I purchased a 5$ amazon pos - it always leaves a job that looks like the sneeze of a child. By budget is say.. sub 100usd. I live in Australia... If possible I'd like to spend more on the tool than shipping. (So I guess that counts out manufacturers on the other side of the world, if possible). Thanks bunches!


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