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Forum Posts

Mar 04, 2024
In Help From The Community
Hello Everyone, I don’t think I recall ever seeing a board or post for tools sought or offered. So until Philip kicks me out for asking, could anyone offer me some suggestions on sourcing some Dixon 5 & 6 SPI REVERSE irons, please? Someone conned me in a purchase last year and now there’s nothing but radio silence. A point in the right direction would be much appreciated, also. Thanks folks, Stephen
Dec 16, 2022
In Leather Tools
Recently, I've been pouring more an inordinate amount of thinner into a "Minor" glue pot. Clearly, its not as sealed as I'd like it to be so I checked the lid and all good but no good. I found little cracks developing on the underside and that was the culprit. Fair enough, a pot made on a Monday, I thought. Got another one, same thing happened a few months in. I have two more pots in boxes, one is massive the other what I use but I'm not going to. Anyone else experience the same? They're Italian. I had high expectations (given it wasn't a Fiat)
Crack(ed) Pot content media
Jun 12, 2022
In Help From The Community
Hello Folks, I'm looking to identify these canvas types currently on sale from Made on Jupiter in NYC. They're a nice crowd to deal with however their prices are just a little too high for my liking. If anyone can identify this material and where they've seen it available, I'll put you on my Christmas card list. The first is an internal type, off-white on one side and brown on the other. The other is an external canvas we've all seen before on Chanel and Dior bags etc. It's ivory in colour and is pretty hefty at .75mm thick. Suggestions are especially welcome including good alternatives. Many thanks in advance, Stephen
Identify this Canvas material content media
Apr 10, 2022
In General Chat
APLF I don’t know what it means, I can only assume the “L” means leather. And that was the name of the game at the end of March last in Dubai where I spent 2 of the 3 days it was hosted getting lost amongst the finest leather manufacturers in the world. Traditionally hosted in Hong Kong, APLF went to Dubai in 2022 after a 2 year hiatus thanks to the coronavirus. Looking ahead, it’s earmarked for a return to HK in 2023 so Dubai was just a fluke. And one that served me as I often don’t get the time to travel to Milan or Paris when these things are hosted so it was a rare treat. Short story long, it didn’t suit many of the distributors and producers I met. They all had much the same thing to say and that was that their core market was China and that the Middle East on this occasion allowed them to finally get out and show their wares. Stretched across 5 halls at the World Trade Centre, Dubai, you could get the smell of the leather as soon as you got out of the car. No kidding. It only grew as one entered the building main and long before you reached the badge counter. All open plan, the largest hall was occupied by mainly Pakistani and Indian producers of ready made leather goods. Jackets, satchels, purses, wallets - the usual suspects. About a dozen Italian stands were there with exemplary shoes and small leather goods. Seemingly this hall was catering for that sort of market. Living in the Middle East for a decade, it was a rare joy to see the Italian ladies from all the booths gather for coffee and (customarily) loud conversation complete with laughter, authentic hand gestures and explicit language. If any Italians are reading this, please, NEVER change! Halls 1-4 were it was all happening. Generally broken down by country, the exhibition hosted a large Brazilian contingent, some Germans, more Indian and Pakistani tanneries, a nice bunch of Italian tanneries and machine manufacturers. There were a few South African (ostrich) companies and only a handful of British ones, Belgians and Singaporean. I was a bit disappointed with the British showing as there was very little for a country with such a fine leather producing pedigree. The jewel in the crown, in my opinion were the French. I’ve spent quite a lot of time in France over the past 25 years of my working life and, love them or hate them, they occupy a very special place in my heart. Unabashedly nationalist and traditionalist, never ones to answer an email or return a call, the laid back, supremely artisan and effortlessly stylish company representatives were so friendly and inviting, they almost seemed like old friends. Alran, Remy Carriat and Tanneries Roux were just three of the names and where I spend a disproportional amount of time. I was given a breakdown of the next season's colours and how they were chosen. The qualities were exquisite. The feel, texture and scent would have you reach for your wallet there and then. Embarrassed, I asked if they were interested in small fry single artisans like me (and likely most of you reading this) and without reservation, they said "yes, of course". Long story short, whereas any tannery prefers a single buyer of hundreds of hides, there is always some left over, some that don't make the grade, orders falling through or simply a stock catalogue on hand. It is from stock that small guys like us can tap from. Naturally, if a custom colour is desired, it can be done but MOQ applies and other costs. Contacting them is (apparently) as simple as an email AND a follow up one or phone call. Keep it as simple as you can - who you are, types, colours, features and quantities, where you are and how you want to pay. That's it. The more specific you are, the better the service. This is what I was told by each company rep. I've yet to put it to the test but the proof is in the pudding. Would I go again? Absolutely! however it's slated to be hosted back in Hong Kong next year but if you have a glut of air miles or some urge to see the orient, it'd be the perfect excuse. Having said that, it's likely you'll find much the same in Lineapple in Milan (never been) so that's probably a more viable option for Europeans amongst us. I really hope this has been informative and lets you know what it was all about for those that thought about attending in Dubai. Enjoy! Stephen
APLF Dubai, 2022 content media
May 20, 2021
In General Chat
How do, all? Just a short one - I just logged on to Blanchard’s site and got a pop up that my password was on a compromised list. I’m not sure if that means it’s on my end or theirs and if I contact them, by the time they get back to me, the internet will be a thing of the past. Similarly, I never received anything from them regarding the same. No surprises there, I suppose. Just a heads up if anyone has an account with them. It could just be me but you never know. Cheers, Stephen
Sep 04, 2020
In General Chat
Another gem from the fine men and women of Australia’s Customs Service. Enjoy!
Aug 07, 2020
In Help From The Community
Hello Leathercraft Masterclassers, I’m looking for a heads up on the below brass hardware. One is a D-ring with an angled flat and the other is a ornate hook attached by rivets. I’d prefer to attach by screws, personally. I don’t mind rivets, but I’m always petrified that I’ll make a balls of it. Anyhow, it’s a Sam Browne belt in the making (prototype) and this hardware isn’t available from Buckleguy. The ones in the pictures we’re ripped off a belt from Pakistan so I might start looking there. Wish me luck with that. Thanks I’m advance!
Recognise these? content media
Jul 19, 2020
In Leather Tools
Needles. We all use them, but I have to confess to having not the slightest clue about them. The thread fits, usually. They’re pointy and long and stiff enough to make their way through the awl hole. So that’s it right? Wrong. I‘ve got John James mostly plus a bunch of Chinese ones thrown in free with the odd (crap) tool I’ve bought. Can anyone shine any light on this? Is ignorance bliss? What am I missing here? Cheers 👍🏿
What’s the point? content media
Jul 17, 2020
In General Chat
Who knew there was a secret code among hotel, travel & tourism staff going back at least 100 years? I didn‘t. I work in this industry and finding myself with plenty of time on my hands these days, I was leafing through LV’s 100 Greatest Trunks and happened upon this quirky code bellhops, doormen, maids, loaders etc. had that was universally understood worldwide regarding the upper classes proclivities - whether they were big tippers, ignorant, demanding or occasionally flung telephones at people’s heads. I clarified this with an associate who deals with the private jet set in the Middle East and he confirmed that staff DO talk. So, if you ever find yourself in the ”Three Comma Club”, yes, we are talking about you behind your back. Enjoy!
The Da Vuitton Code content media
Jul 12, 2020
In Help From The Community
Edge paint Source Anyone?
Jun 29, 2020
In Help From The Community
Hello Leathercraft Masterclassers, I’m looking for input on how to develop a nice patina using whatever method works well, probably some dye work and polish. The brand, Berluti is known for their distinctive patina, among other things. I’ve included a few snaps for those who mightn’t be so familiar with it. It’s akin to what one would see on bespoke cordovan shoes. Can anyone shine(!) any light on how to go about this? Particularly with regard to the handle attachments and their sublime gloss. Has anyone got an interest in this or has anyone been successful developing this for their own work? Gratitude, in advance. Stephen
Taking a shine to patina content media
Jun 26, 2020
In General Chat
Good artists borrow, great artists steal...
May 14, 2020
In General Chat
A short article from the May, 2020 Robb Report. Saddlery is a secret love of mine having spent most summers as a child on a stud farm with relatives.The enveloping scent of a tack room, deep, evocative and animalic still gets my heart going to this day. The genesis of my leather journey. What was yours? Enjoy, Stephen
Hermès Saddlery content media
Apr 26, 2020
In General Chat
Alright, it’s not free beer, but since you’re all here, who can’t resist something good that actually IS free? The Rake Magazine is free online for all back issues. The only catch is the current issue isn’t but once the next one comes out, then what we know today as the current issue is now a back issue and therefore free. The Rake is a publication I’ve bought for years. It caters deeply to the sartorial set but accessories (read: leather goods) often feature. Plus with interviews and showcases from designers and businesses like Zegna, Cucinelli, Riva, Ferrari, Dunhill & Tom Ford, there are worse ways to get the lowdown and inspiration on some of the marques of today. Plus, if you’re scratching your ass in quarantine, then you‘ve little excuse. As far as I can tell, it’s only for a limited time (ie lockdown) so get it while you can. I use ZINIO for it. They have their own app but I don’t know what the story is there. Should be the same freebie going on there. apple people: Google people: You’re welcome
Apr 18, 2020
In General Chat
Here's something I stumbled on from Bloomberg media. A small firm making nice leather goods. They're American (wait) and have very nice designs and clean lines on their goods. That plus who doesn't like a story about a small firm making beautiful leather goods? Enjoy
Mar 24, 2020
In Leathergoods Business
A recent article from The Rake magazine Regarding a sweet little British company with a major following in the Far East. Yes, those are machines doing the stitching, not hands. industry marches on. Or at least it did at the time of printing. If there’s a copyright issue by having this here, forward legal correspondence to Enjoy!
Tusting, UK content media
Jan 26, 2020
In General Chat
How do, all? I've recently moved house and now have a proper workspace to get stuck into. I was thinking about those sepia style posters of tools from old school manufacturers like Blanchard. @philipjury pointed me in the direction of Blanchard's site and their "About Us" section but I'm convinced I've seen more detailed and sexier ones on occasion. If anyone has any on a drive or knows where I might source such to either send to the printers or buy and ship, my sincerest appreciation. Here's what I'm on about... Stephen :-)
Retro tool posters for workshop content media
Dec 04, 2019
In Help From The Community
Hello all, I'm looking for some input regarding some nice, chunky, sleek brass (or similar) hardware. I've included some photos of the sort of look I'm going for. These are Tom Ford bags. I was in a boutique of his yesterday and couldn't figure out if what was written on the tag was a price or a phone number. Alas, I know we can all do better here. The zipper is a chunky, brass zipper with a large brass slider. The D-loops and the spring hooks felt a little light to be brass. I'm guessing they were plated. Abbey (England) do some proper hardcore equestrian grade brassware. Would I be doing well to use these and polish them up proper or can anyone suggest a reputable supplier for such items? If I had to guess, these are likely Italian. But I wouldn't put it past the Chinese to come up with something similar. Zips, also, I could do with some pointers. Phil @Leathercraft Masterclass suggested London Trimming for Riri. I had previously contacted Riri and they only seemed interested in wholesale orders, understandably. London Trimming seems to hit the spot as they ship to Ireland. Though, if anyone has any suggestions, please drop me a hint. Much obliged. Stephen :-)
Solid, Sexy Brass content media
Oct 29, 2019
In General Chat
Sep 13, 2019
In Help From The Community
Ladies & Gentlemen, I'm looking for a reputable supplier of distinctive leathers in Europe, namely a supplier akin to Rocky Mountain. I’m in the market for Epi leather, fine goatskin and anything that stands apart or is certainly classy. While in the US, Rocky Mountain is not the worst choice, however, being from Ireland, something closer to home would be most welcome. Thoughts and suggestions please. Stephen


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