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Dave Magic
Mar 25, 2019
In Share Your Projects
The 5th project from the leatherworkschool book is finally complete. This is the 1st intermediate project in the book and It definitely challenged me. Stitching in a welt required saddle stitching at wierd angles and also required the use of an awI. I didnt get it right the first time and I had to tear apart the bag and restitch. Once again I learned a ton from this project. Things start to get real when items become more and more 3 dimensional. I remember when this forum first started, I made a post where I saddle stitched a bunch of flat scrap pieces for 20 hours of practice. I got pretty good at stitching flat items and someone @Fadi even commented that it would be better to practice on live items or items that provide difficult stitching angles ...I really see his point now! On to project #6, which features gusset installation...more fun angles to get those hours of stitching practice in.
Dave Magic
Mar 03, 2019
In Share Your Projects
Just completed the 4th project from the leatherworkschool book. This one is a monogrammed valet tray. Very happy how this turned out and it will definitely get alot of use from me lol. Perfect for everyday carry items...nevermind the magician props lmao. On to the 5th project in the book.
Dave Magic
Feb 28, 2019
In Share Your Projects
I posted this on Instagram a few days ago but I forgot to post here. I just completed the 3rd project from the Leatherwork School book. This was the 1st time I ever installed a zipper. I was a bit intimidated by zippers before but after going through this project I found out zippers are not as bad as I thought. I used this zipper tool that I found on to shorten the zipper tape and crimp in the stops. The tool was not cheap and I'm not sure if I used it correctly becuase it came with no instructions and I never seen the tool used before. Honestly, the zipper tool was nothing special and I wouldnt advise getting can get by just fine using the conventional stuff (if anyone has experience with this tool, please chime in). However, I did get these brass zipper placement jigs that were a huge help. They helped me get even spacing on both sides of the zipper very easily. Im very happy with how this project turned out but if I had to do it again, I would have used a softer leather. For these projects I'm pretty much sticking to Wicket and Craig Traditional Harness 3-4 oz becuase it's what I have around at the moment. So its onward to the 4th project in my journey to get through all 10 by the end of the year.
Dave Magic
Feb 19, 2019
In General Chat
So I've been learning about the use of reinforcements in bag construction and various other leather items (interlinings). Sometimes bonded leather is used to give items structure. Sometimes they use synthetic materials like microfiber and various other space like materials. It has me thinking...why cant we just thicken up the leather and avoid reinforcement interlinings? If the goal is to produce leather products that are heirloom quality, does the use of these reinforcements fall into that category? Will leather products that avoid reinforcement interlinings last longer, breakdown faster, or not matter at all? These reinforcements are definitely popular judging by that the fact that they seem to always be sold out. I see alot of big leathercraft names on Instagram using them and making amazing things. In contrast recently, Philip announced that he is moving away from polyester threads and moving towards natural linen. Does a more purist construction make the leather items more desirable? I will continue to work with reinforcements to become a more versitile leathercrafter. However, I'm still trying to figure out what my leathercraft construction style will ultimately be. Any thoughts?
Dave Magic
Feb 16, 2019
In General Chat
Okay so last night I was assembling a zip wallet and installing my 1st zipper. I was excited to get this baby done and put the Jerome David Awl through my finger while stitching. Actually, I got lucky and it was just a graze but it was not fun. I did some quick triage and went back to work. No one said this craft was gonna be painless but it got me thinking. What kind of mishaps have all of you encountered that can help us Newbees avoid. Here is mine from last night...Confucius says, "when saddle stitching with and razor sharp awl...know where all your digits are at all times..."
Dave Magic
Jan 20, 2019
In Share Your Projects
I just completed the 2nd project from the Leatherwork School book. I used buck brown Wickett & Craig and red Arlan Goat Skin spit to .5 mm for the lining. I forgot to do my binding stitches at the top of the pocket seam and I tried to smack the pricking irons all the way through the leather instead of using the awl this time. I found that my stitch line on the back veered off a bit and came dangerously close to the edge of the project. perhaps the irons were not perfectly straight when I stuck them with the hammer. Any suggestions on how to ensure straight stitching when striking the irons all the way through layers of leather? All in all, I learned a bunch. I'm very happy with how this came out and my wife seems to love using it at work in the airlines. So I'm chalking this one up as a success. On to project# 3 which includes a not gonna lie...I'm nervous about the zipper part but it's all about getting out of your comfort zone in 2019.
Dave Magic
Jan 08, 2019
In General Chat
I have found that I am starting to accumulate many patterns for leather working. What solutions are best for storing them or organizing them for later use? Ive tried putting them in shoe boxes, which work great for small projects like wallets but not so good for larger items like bags and belts. They are of course rigid and don't fold at all to conserve space. Any unique ideas out there?
Dave Magic
Jan 08, 2019
In Share Your Projects
Today I finished the 1st project in the Leatherwork School book. This early win brings me one step closer to my 2019 goal of completing all the projects in the book. From mounting the patterns to edge finishing, the belt project took me a total of 11 hours and 15 min over the coarse of 3 days (not including edge paint drying times). I ran into alot of issues with stitching using a super long thread but I got good tips on the forum for how to mitigate those issues next time. All in all...this was an excellent project for me as a beginner, I learned a ton and I got some serious stitching time under my pun intended. On to the next project in Ellen's book.
Dave Magic
Jan 06, 2019
In Help From The Community
When hand stitching long runs I'm having tremendous difficulty keeping the threads from tangling, twisting and knotting up. Currently, I just finished stitching the perimeter of a belt but taming a ridiculously long thread was a huge challenge. As a result, I was forced to break out the old Stohlman book on stitching to learn how to properly cut and run a new thread. After that, the stitching went smooth until it started twisting and knotting up again. I got through the stitching with only having to change out the thread twice. I know it looks cleaner with only using 1 thread but does everyone really do that with very long stitching projects like belts and straps? If does one manage all the issues that come with working with this much thread? How does one get the twisting action out of the thread once it starts? I tried waxing the thread and it didnt do much to mitigate the issue. I was using WUTA waxed cable polyester thread.
Dave Magic
Jan 04, 2019
In Help From The Community
Does anyone know which suede linings are the best and where to source them? I found some pig suede but they always seem to have hair folicals pores visable and just doesn't look clean.
Dave Magic
Jan 01, 2019
In Share Your Projects
I just completed this item before ringing in the new year. Im happy becuase Its probably the best item I have made so far. However, I'm having trouble getting a nice clean and defined stamp impression. I'm using wickett and Craig leather, a brass stamp heated with a heat gun then positioned under an arbor press. I actually used wuta thread on this not Lin cable
Dave Magic
Dec 30, 2018
In General Chat
Does anyone know what type of non stretch tape is used in leatherwork particularly in straps to prevent stretching and deformation? I cant seem to find what I'm looking for online. Probably becuase I dont know what is called. Does anyone know the name of a good tape product they are using for this?
Dave Magic
Dec 27, 2018
In General Chat
Does anyone have any experience making quality leather bespoke shoes? Are the skills in our style of leatherwork transferable to the shoe making world?
Dave Magic
Dec 24, 2018
In General Chat
As the new year approaches, many of us will be making resolutions. Funny thing about resolutions...they hardly ever go the distance. I think it's because there is no mechanism for accountability. Let's start a thread on what our leathercraft goals are for 2019. Lets make them realistic, attainable and your updates and by 2020 we can revisit them together and see how we did. Put it out there so we can all help each other stay accountable and reach those goals within the new year. For me... 1. I will continue working on the basics and actually work through and produce the 10 items discussed in Ellen's new book, "leatherwork School". I believe it's achievable in a year. 2. I will design 3 unique items that my costumer base would enjoy. 3. I will get my website up and running to market my 3 items and make my 1st sale. What are your goals?...perhaps some are very similar to mine. If this is the case, let me know and we can motivate each other to achieve them. Dave Magic
Dave Magic
Dec 22, 2018
In Help From The Community
Zippers have always been a mystery for me. Don't get me wrong, I see them discussed in some very influential publications. However, I find it hard to grasp the concept of how they are resized, assembled and installed properly. Additionally, the advantages and disadvantages of zipper metals and materials would be interesting to know. What tools are required to make a custom zipper? Has anyone come across a good resource on this topic? Perhaps a good youtube video has covered it...or maybe it can be a topic that can be discussed in a leathercraft master class if the demand is there.
Dave Magic
Dec 20, 2018
In Leathercraft Techniques
Im trying out a new learning technique from the book, "The First 20 to learn anything" by Josh Kaufman. (Check out his TED talk on youtube) I just finished my first 20 hours with this Awl and French style stitching clam. I definitely see a huge improvement in my Awl and needle manipulation as well as saddle stitch asthetics. I practiced everyday for various time frames and hit 20 hours on day 17. The book goes on to say it takes 10000 hours to reach mastery. For many high proficiency is the goal and 20 hours of concentrated practice is all that stands in our way. The key is setting up fast feedback loops and practicing one technique at a time to avoid the dreaded analysis poralysis. Next up for me is hand skiving. What do you want to learn or improve?
Dave Magic
Dec 20, 2018
In Leathergoods Business
As a beginner I find that it takes me a while to complete projects. Is following the formulas (Materials+Time Spent)X2=Wholesale Price (Materials+Time Spent)X4=Retail Price going to work for me? It seems like my prices are too high using these formulas even at the wholesale price. I feel like costumers will probably not buy at these price points from me...especially when I see similar items on Etsy for way cheaper. Any thoughts out there?
Dave Magic
Dec 19, 2018
In Help From The Community
When I cut my pattern pieces on leather I always try to cut the pieces exact. I found that when I do this my pieces do not line up perfectly and my edges often need to be sanded or even trimmed. Does anyone out there advocate for leaving a few millimeters of cutting tolerance when clicking out pattern pieces? After the pieces are glued and stacked together you can trim off the extra tolerance and achieve a very clean edge. does anyone else out there do this? Is it good practice?
Dave Magic
Dec 17, 2018
In Leather Tools
I am currently thinking about buying a bell skiver but there are several options out there. Does anyone have experience with these? are they difficult to maintain? are they durable? are they a good investement? Which brands are best to go with? I'm looking to really start refining my leatherwork with turned edges and exotics. Appreciate any insight on this. Dave
Dave Magic
Dec 17, 2018
In Say Hello Before Posting
Hi everyone. This is Dave from New York City. I have been doing leatherwork on and off as a hobby for about 3 years now. I currently work in law enforcment but I realized that I enjoy leatherwork a heck of a lot more. So I decided to really start honing my skill level. I hope that by the time I retire in 7 years, I'll have reached a level that would allow me to make my hobby a full time business. Currently, I've been making wallets, card holders, belts and bags. Another huge hobby of mine is performing magic and entertainment for children and adults. I hope to incorporate leather craft to create unique and upscale items that magicians would enjoy using during their professional gigs. Dave
Dave Magic
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