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Forum Posts
May 02, 2023
In Help From The Community
Hi Phil I have been making knife sheaths, I wet the leather then vacuum shrink it to the blade using a food vacuum bagging machine. This gets the sheath to conform to the knife and holds it in when the leather dries hard. I notice the leather quite quickly starts to develop a bit of greyish mould staining. However, it doesn't seem to do this if it has been dyed previously. What, if anything can be done to stop this? Regards Bruce
Jul 18, 2022
In Help From The Community
Have you got any suggestions for a leather finish that imparts a nice shine. I run knife sheath courses as an adjunct to knife making courses and the finish I currently use is Fiebings Aussie Leather Treatment. That's more about getting some nourishment and water protection into the leather. I feel my customers would like to buff up a nice gloss with the final rub down before they take the sheath home. Any product suggestions? The leather I use is veg tanned.
Jul 18, 2022
In Help From The Community
I am making a knife sheath which requires triple layers (knife sheath folded over plus a welt to protect the stitching from the blade edge). I was using the titanium awl (which I love by the way) in the traditional manner: pricking iron to mark the stitches then pushing through with the awl. I was trying to get through about 9.2 mm of leather glued together. The needles didn’t want to go through easily and required use of parallel pliers which slowed me down a lot. Needles were harness needles size “0” which measures at 1.05mm. I wouldn’t have thought it should be that difficult. Maybe I need thinner needles or a larger size blade in the awl? I want to master the traditional stitching technique rather than use "diamond" pricking irons that punch right through the leather leaving larger needle holes (as is commonly used by knife makers). Any suggestions?
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