I started working with leather when I was given a beginner's set of tools and I happened to need a case for my binoculars at the time, so that was my first project. Since then, my aim was to get into leatherwork when I retired from running the family kennels but lockdowns found me in need of something to do, so I started The Ghillie's Trail. Now I'm just trying to get it going as a side-job but I've not found my niche yet, so I'm trying everything out! The techniques in these videos are really inspiring and they answer a lot of questions but mainly they give you a way of refining your own designs from rustic and bulky to sleek with a hint of "how the heck..." ;-) Leathercraft | The Ghillie's Trail (theghilliestrail.co.uk)
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@chris.carlander Welcome Chris, thank you for introducing yourself to the gang. I really hope you gain a lot of value from the forum and I look forward to seeing your progress.
Hello Hello Hello,
This is excactly what I tell everyone. It is the small things you did not know you needed to know but you cannot function without once you know them
Also, welcome here :)