i have an ipad pro in a protective plastic cover which also holds the pen, but wanted something nicer to put it inside and doing it from materials/hardware i already have. it was made from combination tanned leather which was reinforced with sized thick canvas to make it a bit stiffer. it was lined with upholstery velvet which came on a canvas backing which added a bit more rigidity. i bound the top edges so i didnt have to edge paint these. the zip is an m4 riri zip and the lining is yellow silk. the velvet lining and silk were bought as offcuts from ebay a year or so ago, just needed a project to use them. it is stitched at 9spi with 0.5mm thread. the closure was something i bought a couple of years ago, and had been hanging around in a draw. the only difficult part was the stitching order for the flap to the main body without stitching through the lining. was really happy with the edge painting too. seem to be getting better at this although binding the edges is still quicker.

Beautiful work Paul, you now have something you can carry around and be proud of. I take it the last pic shows off the velvet? Is there a shot if the silk? I'd love to see that.
The lock is really interesting and gives a different look compared to the normal lock and hasp briefcase style hardware.
The style looks similar in design to the Duke briefcase lock by Dunhill. Interestingly they created the lock with facets on each side which takes inspiration from the shape of a car interior lamp that Alfred Dunhill designed and supplied to Rolls Royce in the early 1900's