iust finished my first big handstitching project. Although I did cheat and use a machine to stitch the big perimeter/zipper seam, but I did everything else by hand. It was time consuming, but good practice. I've been wanted to incorporate the lancet rolled handles into a build for a while, and they worked great for this project. Happy with the finished result of this case.
Question for the hive mind:
I used English Bridle leather from Wicket and craig on this one, but I'm looking at changing it up on the next one I make and using a more traditional english bridle leather. Was looking at perhaps J&E Sedgwick, but somene pointed out to me that the dye isnt sruck through which would be an issue since gun cases can be abused ind I don't want light under tones to come through when scratched... I don't have a lot of familiarity with English Bridle leather ( I don't really think the W&C offering is a true English Bridle since there is no bloom, and i dont feel much of a waxy finish). I would like peoples opinion on the tanneries, and products the group might recommend.

That is so plush, I want one that is larger so I can use it as a sleeping bag. :D Really though that is beautiful!
Although I am 'only a bookbinder' and use my leather for books mainly, I use J and F J BAKER who do traditional oak bark leather at the oldest tannery in Britain. Their leather is amazing, as is their tannery. Just for fun have a look at their site. https://www.jfjbaker.co.uk/ . Lovely work in your photos, wish my leather projects (beside books) were half as good!
Absolutely unreal! I love a good gun case. I need to get my firearms certificate so I can make one of these bad boys! I can feel how soft that fleece lining is just by looking at it lol.
What have you got going into it? I assume a rifle with a mounted scope?
I will say, the waxy bloom is only tallow fat applied to the surface at the tannery so that it can be stored without drying out.
It's actually a real pain as neither you, nor the person selecting your hides can tell if there are any imperfections untill the fat is rubbed off. So I'd rather it wasn't there really.
That looks like a really lovely job you have done there.