Many well intentioned people are literally wasting hundreds of hours and spending thousands buying the wrong tools, the incorrect leather and learning from the wrong sources.
No matter how hard you try, you aren’t getting the kind of results you want!
At first you may have improved rapidly, but like so many, your progress slows down fast.
Worse, not understanding where you should start or how to improve your skills is not just frustrating, but it’s also wasting your valuable time and hard earned money.
It’s not easy to enjoy the craft when you feel like your results have come to a standstill and you don’t have the knowledge to move forward. How is anybody supposed to stay excited like this?

This is why the Leathercraft Masterclass was created:
To teach you the fundamental skills of fine leathercraft through a series of technique based and project based courses which turn these new skills into practical knowledge you can use right now.
By exposing secrets industry experts won’t share, you will open the door to a new world of leathercraft knowledge, bringing you the real results you deserve.
It’s easy to master the craft when you have a clear direction and a system of steps laid out for you to follow.

The Leathercraft Masterclass is a powerful confidence
boosting tool and a time saving investment:
Instead of wasting valuable time searching the internet for snippets of information and trying to assemble them like a frustrating puzzle, what could you be doing with all the spare hours you’ll now have?
How valuable is your time?
When you discover the courses from the Masterclass and build a wealth of knowledge, you spend less time feeling confused and more time following a clear direction towards a definite goal - mastery.
The goal of the Leathercraft Masterclass is to help you master your craft in the shortest time possible.
This is when complex techniques become simple gestures of the hand, and your work begins to feel effortless. Which means you’ll notice stitching, skiving and edge finishing and many other techniques, feel as simple as threading a needle.
Not to mention, your incredible craftsmanship will become obvious to others.

Imagine the thrill of displaying a luxury hand stitched wallet, watch strap, or travel bag to friends and family, or even clients if you are looking to grow your business!
Immerse yourself in an experience as I invite you into the leather workshop. You are right there with me as I guide you through each process as if you were standing next to me absorbing every move and skill.
Choose from over 80 courses covering a wide range of leathercraft projects, so you can watch whatever courses fit your needs best. Which means you can start with any video that gets you excited!
Watch the videos at your own pace, whenever and wherever you want.
No restrictions are placed on the number of times you can watch a course within your Plan duration. This means you can absorb information AT YOUR OWN PACE, no matter your experience.
Get access to the Mastermind Forum group
Access to a members only Mastermind group where you ask any questions you have about the courses. Discuss the projects, techniques and ideas. Receive support and guidance when you need it. This group is exclusive to Plan members and myself. If you need extra help at any point, I am simply a click away with professional guidance.
So you can rest assured, you won’t get stuck with questions and nobody to ask - you don’t have to feel alone in your new adventure!
You can start your journey with more structure by watching the videos from course #1 ‘The Techniques Of Hand Stitching’ onward.
This way you can begin honing your foundation skills before moving forward to courses where you can use these new skills in project based videos.
So as your abilities and your confidence grows, you will be able to take on new challenges and master new techniques.
Each new course reveals another new technique you can use in your leathercraft.
So you can keep adding a new skill to your ‘mental leathercraft library’ as you follow along.
Which means you are guaranteed to be shown something new in each video and your growth never stops.
Watch your stitching improve.
From learning the saddle stitch, to creating perfect angles on both sides of the seam!
You will then put these skills into other techniques like edge binding, French binding and box stitching. This means you will see your stitching abilities finally come alive with all your questions answered.
Reveal the master edge finisher in you by viewing courses on glass edge burnishing, effortlessly smooth edge painting and of course the traditional turned edge.
This gives you the power to choose which technique best suits your work, meaning you’ll have the skills to flawlessly finish your work to a masters level!
Witness your abilities turn leather into beautiful bags and cases with a new knowledge on hardware installation, piped seams, internal and external zips, linings, reinforcements (interlinings), gusset installation, pattern making and much more.
This will then allow you to execute what others believe to be advanced techniques - with ease!
Get a grip - on handle making!
Whether that be traditional ‘built up’ briefcase handles, rolled handles for bags and purses - or even trunk handles!
Find what your work has been missing as the techniques of beautiful handle finishing are finally revealed.
Allow your projects to show off your craftsmanship and attention to detail for the most important piece of a luxury bag.
Ever wanted to master wallet making?
From card wallets, coat wallets - even passport wallets, the Masterclass courses have you covered.
Reveal the #1 secret wallet making technique that luxury and boutique brands know about that skipped social media attention entirely! You won’t find this anywhere else online or in books.
Stronger, slimmer, simpler, more durable, with a much higher degree of finesse and accuracy - all in one go! (no kidding - see: ‘The Slimline Coat Wallet)
These courses contain years of intense focus, testing, improving and discovering better ways of crafting luxury leather goods:
But just like you right now, I wasn’t always able to do this!
I’ve learned directly from a leather case maker, indirectly from volumes of vintage leathercraft manuals and books as well as starting my own leathercraft brand: ‘Finch England’.
This successfully allowed me to earn a living from my craft for several years before I found my calling - teaching, and keeping this beautiful craft alive for future generations.
This included making leather goods from scratch as well as buying, restoring and selling vintage luggage (a powerful learning experience alone!).
From these activities, I was able to generate volumes of notes over the years. Notes on what I have been taught, discovered and learned the hard way!
The Leathercraft Masterclass is an accumulation of this knowledge, boiled down to the best parts and the essential techniques, then presented in 1080p HD with clear and concise explanations.
Showing you not only what to do, but thoroughly explaining WHY you’re doing it (vitally important!).
And any time a specialist tool is used, a much simpler option with a widely available tool is demonstrated too - allowing anyone to use these techniques, not just the 'elite'.

But, enough about me!
See what students of the Leathercraft Masterclass are saying about their experiences with the courses and how these videos have changed their craft forever:

Andrea Lohberg
To be honest: I had no hesitations.
The return on investment on the Masterclass is so incredible!
Alan James Co
Leathercraft Masterclass is one of the very few places in existence where you will be guided through the 'head spinning' world of leather. and in great detail, learn the craft of making fine leather goods. Philip is the definition of a true craftsman and is doing his part to keep the trade alive!

Noa Greenspan
I'm the creative director of PanAm Leathers. I studied accessories design in Tel Aviv and in NYC, but I learned more practical tips from the first 20 min of your videos than all the years higher education combined, so thank you!
I’ve been bingeing your courses like they are a new Netflix sitcom! I love them!

Carswell Leather
I bought the [6 month Plan] and have been blown away by the quality and high standard of Philip's teaching, leathercraft and video making skills.
It’s the best money I ever spent!

Elense Leatherworks
Most tutorials or videos on the Internet are leaning more towards rustic/semi-elegant stuff. It's virtually impossible to find someone from the industry that's been successful and is sharing his master knowledge.
Student Success Stories
See the fine leather goods current students have proudly created with the guidance of the Leathercraft Masterclass courses.

To get started today, choose from the following two options:
6 Month Plan Membership:
Access to every full length video on the Leathercraft Masterclass website.
Unlimited video access for 6 months from the moment you sign up.
Course supplies and recommendations for each course.
Access to a members only Mastermind group where you ask any questions you have about the courses. Discuss the projects, techniques and ideas. Receive support and guidance when you need it. This group is exclusive to Plan members and myself.
1 Year Plan Membership:
Access to every full length video on the Leathercraft Masterclass website.
Unlimited video access for 12 months from the moment you sign up.
Course supplies and recommendations for each course.
1:1 Private email with me. If you have questions or need extra support and guidance, I am only and email away. So you can be safe in the knowledge you will always receive the help you need,
Access to a members only Mastermind group where you ask any questions you have about the courses. Discuss the projects, techniques and ideas. Receive support and guidance when you need it. This group is exclusive to Plan members and myself.
A minimum of 12 NEW courses will be released during your 1 Year Plan, vs 6 new courses during a 6 month Plan. Essentially you are going to see 100% more content with a 1 year Plan.
Which Plan do you recommend for me?
For beginners and those who require more help and assistance, the 1 Year Plan will be ideal as you will have more time to absorb all the information contained within the courses. Plus you also have the added bonus of private 1:1 email support with me.
For those with more experience, the 6 month Video Plan may be a better choice if you do not require as much assistance - However, you will still have access to the Mastermind private group when help is required, so you are not alone.
For advanced leather crafters, the 1 Year Plan is also a good choice if you require more complex assistance for larger projects, machine maintenance advice, or answers to questions that no one else can answer for you. A great option if you want to to push the boundaries of your craft and your capabilities.
The courses are individually valued at £83.50 ($99.54) each. With over 80 courses, this would normally be over £6,680 ($7,963.20) for all the courses combined.
However, the intent of the Masterclass has always been about passing on essential knowledge to as many crafts people as possible who are open to discovering the essential knowledge of fine leathercraft.
This is why ALL of the courses combined (80+) are so competitively priced.
For example, a 6 Month Video Plan at £197 ($238.67) brings the price down to under £2.40 ($2.30) per course!
While the number of new courses goes up every 3-4 weeks, the value of the Video Plan membership goes up too.
This means we have to periodically increase the prices of the Video Plans to reflect this value increase.
However if you start your Video Plan today, you can lock in the lower price, which means even if there is a price increase, this will not affect you at all.
From May 2020, NEW courses now include a FREE PDF pattern download!
Traditional pattern making skills have been included in the previous video courses (which even includes a dedicated pattern making course!), so you will get to discover how you can easily make accurate patterns from nothing more than a piece of thick card.
Now you can easily print off a PDF pattern pack from each course. Simply stick each page onto a piece of card and cut out - yes, it’s this easy!
By investing in a Video Plan today, there are no nasty surprises, recurring payments or contracts to watch out for
There is no obligation to buy and no obligation to stay for any period of time.
You have complete freedom and control to come and go any time you please.
So, get started today and take advantage of this special pricing offer click the button below!
Remember, you're going to get:
Remember, you’re going to get:
Unlimited access to 80+ fine leathercraft videos (1hr+ each)
Courses and information not available anywhere else
Access to the members only Mastermind support Forum where you can ask myself and others any questions about the courses
A reduced price offer with unbeatable value

Stephen O'Hare
How to construct projects and the order of things has been a big learning point. Satisfying to get that clear in my head.

Justin Tomlin
There are things covered in every course that can be applied to any number of leather projects.

Fadi /Far Leathergoods
Edge painting is probably my favorite new skill I acquired. Few can get a smooth and consistent edge all around.
There is a simple joy in holding a $600 handbag and seeing that your edge paint is better because someone took the time of teaching you the little tricks of getting it right.

Dwight Alwine
Were the results of the courses going to justify the cost?
I have taken online and facing courses before that were a complete waste of money.
I feel that this was/ is WELL worth the cost!

Daniel Wohlk
Having a teacher that loves his craft and strives to make things perfect. It elevated my skills so much!
My products are MUCH prettier than before I started on the Leathercraft Masterclass.
Are these courses for me? Where do I start? What tools & equipment do I need?
Have some questions?
Q. Who are your video courses for? Are they beginner, intermediate or advanced level?
A. The courses are aimed at leathercrafters with a minimum of basic knowledge and tools.
They are explained in a way that is easy to understand due to all steps and processes being shown and explained thoroughly in the correct order.
It is recommended to have a basic level of understanding of leathercraft, but is not absolutely necessary.
There are multiple build along projects of all levels which you can confidently undertake once mastering the fundamental technique courses.
We recommend these courses to perfect the basics of leathercraft:
- 'The Technique Of Hand Stitching'
- 'The Technique Of Hand Stitching: Advanced Skills'
- 'Details Make Perfection - Back Stitching
- 'Details Make Perfection - Corner Stitching
- 'The Techniques Of The Edge Pt's 1- 2'
- 'The Techniques Of The Blade'
- 'The Techniques Of The Blade 2'
- 'The Technique Of Adhesion'
Unlimited access to all of the courses above is included with either Plan purchase.
Q. What's included in my Plan?
A. You will gain unlimited streaming access to every video course. This includes all future courses within your Plan duration. You also have access to every PDF pattern which can easily be downloaded and printed (PC). You also have access to the Mastermind forum group, a private members only area for all your video course related questions.
Learn at your own pace, in your own time.
Your video courses are available on both desktop and mobile.
Each course comes with helpful supply lists/ links.
Extra support and website assistance is also available if you need further help.
Q. Do the projects include patterns?
A. PDF pattern downloads have been a recent addition to the Masterclass. They are available for the most recent projects and will be available for all future projects.
But not to worry, the projects that don't include pattern downloads, do contain detailed instructions on how to create your own.
Q. How often are new courses released?
A. New video courses are released every 3-4 weeks.
You will have unlimited access to every new video course (as well as all the other video courses) for the length of your Pan duration.
You will be notified of every new course release via email.
Q. What if I need help or have questions when watching the video courses?
A. All Plan members have access to the Mastermind Group. This is a private, members only group where you can ask questions about the courses content. Here you can gain technical answers, support and guidance.
For those who purchase a 1 Year Plan, you can also enjoy the additional bonus of 1:1 personal email support with me.
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