Hello everybody,
I thought it might be nice in these challenging times to create a post to share your "slightly unnecessary" leather projects! Hopefully this can lift some spirits and create some smiles and possibly even inspire others 😁
I look forward to seeing what all of you have to share!
My "slightly unnecessary" project is this pig skin wrapped magnet bar for my tools.
oh I got loads of these:D
This little squares, for "protecting" ohhh, something
This went over the top! The bar bellow, is oak wood covered in Novonappa :D
I always mix up my scissor and hammer apparently :S
My logo in leather.... Just for fun and looks :D
very nice idea and easy to do too. I like that it allows me to see my tools clearly.
but what magnet did you use? I have only rounded magnets from the speakers. I will try to use them though. Thank you for sharing.
@lowlandsleathercompany Cool idea! I'll play.
Mine is a metal tool holder wrapped in leather used to hold my workshop Alexa. Now she won't get scratched as she listens to my private conversations!
Looks good and practical as well.