Finished this bag yesterday. For the first time I used 0.8 Ritza 25 thread instead of 1mm. I Think I'll stick with it. A thinner thread seems to give the bag a more refined look. I Lined it with pig skin.
Hey, nice work Glenn! That's a great colour combo with the thread and hide. Have you tried the round braided threads offered by Meisi/YueFung/Twist yet? If you like braided thread then I think these are a great compromise between durability and aesthetics. They have more of a rounded look and once waxed, loose the braided look.
Beuatiful bag and color!
If you are looking for a more refined look, go with 0.6 Ritza (if you are attached to Ritza) or go with some Twist in 0.45.
Even the photo is cool! Nice bag 👏
Hey, nice work Glenn! That's a great colour combo with the thread and hide. Have you tried the round braided threads offered by Meisi/YueFung/Twist yet? If you like braided thread then I think these are a great compromise between durability and aesthetics. They have more of a rounded look and once waxed, loose the braided look.
Nice work Glenn. Perfect color for the holidays! I like the cross stitch pattern on the closure strap.