Phil’s video on the “leather covered belt buckle using tiny 1.47mm stitches prompted me to share with you my latest garage sale find - A highly desirable vintage 4 prong stitching chisel.
This is a rare 52.38mm and the prongs are the popular 7.93mm size.
clearly this is meant to be “funny” - I was tempted to actually do a a few stitches in leather to show the extreme madness but, I am sure that if you are here - you can imagine it just fine... and we won’t have to unnecessarily waste leather or a decent amount of linen cable...
Cheers all!

@gusjackson3 LOL, maybe you can find a small dagger to use as an awl!
Indeed! I Appreciate your comment! Happiest of Holidays - and best fortunes for 2021
Nice find! Be carefull and don't use a steel axe on that otherwise you'll end up splitting your lovely iron's wood tail! At its size I bet you can use it for fine stitching watch straps for giants that have T-rex's as pets 🤣