Hello Leathercraft Masterclass Masters and Learners! ....
My son made a sword with his grandfather in the woodshop several years ago. This sword is made of Ash Wood.
He has wanted me to make a protective sheath to protect the blade from chipping or any other damage, as well as to hang it for display.
I have been watching youtube and learning quite a lot regarding sheath making for steal swords. ... I have been concerned about the interaction of veg tan and the wood. Currently the wood is untreated and is looking like it is drying out. My current thought is that it needs to be coated with varnish or polyurethane. The sword has a slight bend to it so I am thinking a sheath that is sewen on each edge with a welt in it. Any recommendations on material, preparation, treatment, related to this will be welcome. Is veg tan the appropriate leather? Should I consider Chrome tan? Would doing a fully turned edge like the "How to make a knife sheath" project? This sword is a work of love and I am wanting to help preserve it for him.
Thank you all! Below is a photo said sword and their makers. Thanks so much for your input!

Undyed vegetable tanned leather shouldn't cause any interaction with the wood, especially if you varnish the blade. I'd probably preserve the wood with boiled linseed oil or china wood oil. It will cause the wood to have a warmer tone, but so will most varnishes.