One of the most famous and certainly one of the oldest luxury hardware makers on earth, is Bouclerie Poursin in Paris.
If you like your high end hardware served with traditional French cûstomèr service, washed down with the finest glass of 'we've lost your order and it's now a higher minimum', then these guys are haute cuisine par excellence.
Unashamedly old-school and still fabulous, Poursin have worked with the best in the industry such as Chanel and Vuitton. So you can understand, they do not prioritise Le small fry..
But still, Bon apetite!
Long video in French
Shorter video in English:
Ah, brass brass and more brass.
Very very nice documentary. I do wish they had shown us more of the production process instead of spending 80% of the time talking about the history of La Maison and how La Maison is french and french people are the best people in whole of frenchdom...