I thought you guys might appreciate this.
I messaged my croc leather supplier today asking about a certain colour leather and he said he only has one skin left in that colour. He said it might be a bit big, and a little expensive though.

He said the croc was 70+ years old and over 5 metres long. He quoted me $10,000 for it. That’s £5,500 or €6,110!
For a second I actually thought about it. Haha.
Let me know what you would make out of this skin. I’d make a suitcase I’d say. It’d be wide enough to cover it easily!
I have a question (just to know if a boxing bag and hammock is possible): When you have a leather of such an old animal. Will the skin be thicker? Will the soft parts around the tiles much softer bigger and less sturdy? I just have the question if one would really want to make stuff out of it. Maybe that old animal has a lot of scars and so on.
@Martin CarswelI I don't know, but I would definitely cut the tail section off, put my head through the bumhole and make the finest exotic bib the world has ever seen.
Ah, the ever elusive Crocodillausaurus Rex skin...
I would either make an attaché case out of it, or hear me out, upholster my motorcycle seat + side bag! Now that would be a head turning bike!
A card holder should do it 😅
Maybe a hammock and a boxing punching bag?🤔